July 19th, 2023
... Hoping you have had a nice day.
Mine was too short .... never enough hours
in the days. Have a great evening or whenever
you read - have a good one.

My Favorites

Back in the day

So pretty!
The Food Korner

Recipe Korner

Down On The Farm



The Bike Korner

For the Love Of

Some clover for good luck

U-Tube of the above @ the
bottom of today's page. Meanwhile
here is the link above. It will take you away
from this page so music is not combined.
Never heard this song by Neil Diamond.
Again you might want to just click on the
UTube below.
Thoughts N Quotes




Something to ponder for sure??!

Native American

The Tea Spot

Let's Read

Porch Sit'nnn

Lost - Maybe

The Owl Perch



Christian Korner

Gotta go now - have
a good weekend. I'll
be back next week.

Now, please go a little further and read all that
I have taken time to include on my pages below.
I will appreciate if you do!
Thank you.

Sharing a wonderful blog/website

About Me

I feel deeply, when I love, I love hard, when I believe
in something, I believe with all my heart and my soul and
will stand firm. I believe in God. When I hurt, I hurt
deeply. My feelings get hurt easily and I wish I could
really take nothing personally, but often do. I am a true
animal lover. I love the outside. I love to look up at the
moon and stars. I have survived two cancers. One was
stage 3 Uterine and stage 3 jaw cancer. Both were
difficult roads. Chemo and radiation were
treatments. I am a survivor since 2013 and
latest was in 2018. Prayers heard and answered.
Most of all, and last but not least.
I miss my Dad, Mom and brother every single day.
This is my story and I'm sticking to it.

Hello, and I would like to let you know that I do accept
donations to help pay for this website. Donations do help
me a lot and are very appreciated. The donate button above
will lead you to PayPal, a safe and easy way to donate.
send you my address for mailing. Thank you.

The below site will help animals and others. Please
do visit and see how you can help by "just clicking"!
It only takes a minute. I used to have this on my
pages and quit for one reason or another and I
very much wanted to do it again. We all CAN make
a difference. VISIT TODAY!

But first, check out the map below.
It shows the location of visitors! Wow!
(And the Neil Diamond U-Tube at the bottom)