Paul Cardall - Gracies Theme.mp3


Yes, things end,
but memories
last forever ....
Hold tight
to those ...

On this day
In 1990 she was sworn in as the 14th surgeon
general of the United States under the George
H.W. Bush administration. Hailing from Puerto
Rico, she's both the first woman and first person
of color to hold the office. Her tenure will focus on
issues like underage smoking, the AIDS crisis,
and immunization.

In this messy "lived in" house are wonderful
parents who love their kids more than
anything in this world.

Yes, I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry to live
with the intensity that only
maturity can give.

Wow, each box is a creation for sure.



C U T E!

Let's love one another.
Hugs are genuine medicine.

Drive Carefully

OHIO turned back time
with Bicentennial barns

Ohio is rich in farm land.




Break time!


Some word art

Now that we have had prayer, let us sit and
enjoy at these tables with
pretty table runners.

Lots of St Patrick's coming.
St Patrick's Day/March 17th ...







In honor of Dr Suess' birthday, March is
designated as Nation Reading Month - a month
to motivate Americans of all ages to read every
day. Reading is fun and has many benefits,
regardless of your age. It's a key component
of education and professional development.



Looks kinda sleepy





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The below site will help animals and others. Please
do visit and see how you can help by "just clicking"!
It only takes a minute. I used to have this on my
pages and quit for one reason or another and I
very much wanted to do it again. We all CAN make
a difference. VISIT TODAY!

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