Susan Kistler, Creator~Publisher

Hello everyone, I've tried to include lots
of Valentine's things for you today.

While it IS sad how these pictures may make you and I
feel, they are a reminder to us just how good we do
have it today despite all the turmoil in the world.

This is a cake!!









For Good Causes - please read
Please tell friends and family, groups and organizations
to share my pages. I don't know anyone that
would not welcome some inspiration. Also below, the
Breast Cancer site is having trouble getting enough
people to click on their site daily to meet their quota
of donating at least one free mammogram a day to
an under privileged woman. Please don't forget the
other sites while you are there. They are listed at the
bottom of the page. Below is the animal rescue link.
Thank you everyone!

The below map shows location
of visitors