Geoff Love & His Orchestra - Try To Remember 1979.mp3
{ The above world shows visitors locations }

When I put these pages together each day,
my goal is to make your day
just a little better. My pages become special,
because you are here.

In 1988
The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductees
were: The Beach Boys, The Beatles, The
Drifters, Bob Dylan, The Supreme's, Woody
Guthrie, and Les Paul.
What a lineup indeed!!

This photo just melts my heart!

Precious, just precious!

Just amazing!

Winter chill.

World's largest log cabin. Portland,
Oregon, 1938. Built in 1905, burned
down in 1964.

{Thank you to my friend Sue
for sharing this photo with me.}
Dr Elizabeth Bruyn is sitting in the back of
her horse-drawn ambulance. 1911.
I did a little research on this lady, and
found this.




Let's rock - and let's roll!!

Sleepy Time!

“Just as each one has received a gift,
use it to serve others, as good
stewards of the varied grace of God.”
1 Peter 4:10
And now a prayer .....
Dear God, show me how I can live in unity
with the people You've purposefully put
into my life. Help me to step out of my
comfort zone and be a giver and a receiver
of the blessings You've place within humanity.
In Jesus' name, AMEN.

Sharing a wonderful blog/website

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