Kenny G - Over the Rainbow.mp3

When I put these pages together each day,
my goal is to make your day
just a little better. My pages become special,
because you are here.


The first Ground Hog day introducing
Punxsutawney Phil happened. The
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by
Samuel Clemens known as Mark Twain was
released and in 1964 GI Joe hit the market on
this day and still around today.
In 2013 on this day I lost my Dad. Such a
sweet and kind hearted man. I know so many times
I would love to talk to him and I have questions
that I would really love his advice on. I do miss
him terribly. So, remembering my Dad today.







Such a pretty setting and 'set'




Now, please go a little further and read all that
I have taken time to include on my pages below.
I will appreciate if you do!
Thank you.

Sharing a wonderful blog/website


Hello, and I would like to let you know that I do accept
donations to help pay for this website. Donations do help
me a lot and are very appreciated. The donate button above
will lead you to PayPal, a safe and easy way to donate.
send you my address for mailing. Thank you.

The below site will help animals and others. Please
do visit and see how you can help by "just clicking"!
It only takes a minute. I used to have this on my
pages and quit for one reason or another and I
very much wanted to do it again. We all CAN make
a difference. VISIT TODAY!

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location of visitors